Getting Started

  1. After unboxing, wash it thoroughly
  2. Put it on a low flame
  3. Add in few drops of oil to the pan
  4. Saute finely chopped onions on the pan till it gets roasted
  5. Discard the onions
  6. Wipe the pan with lint-free clean cloth or kitchen towel
  7. Start using the pan for your cooking!!


  1. After you are done with the cooking, change the food to serving bowl within an hour or so. 
  2. Do not leave the food for long hours in cast iron pan as that may lead to slight change in taste and color of the food
  3. Wash them thoroughly 
  4. Pat dry it very thoroughly. MOISTURE RETENTION will cause iron pan to RUST
  5. Grease the pan with few drops of oil
  6. Store it in dry place  

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